#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)  with Ginny Marvin (@adsliaison)

Q1 What was the most important or exciting thing announced at Google Marketing Live (GML) last week in your opinion?

What was the most concerning or disappointing thing announced at Google Marketing Live (GML) last week in your opinion?

Q3 We have had a bunch of questions submitted for Ginny already, but what are your burning questions after GML last week?

Q3.1 What is an "agile budget"? It was talked about as if we already should know what that is and I'd not heard of it prior to GML.

Q3.2 Where can we see details about "privacy" as it specifically relates to masked search queries? At times, it feels like they slip away unannounced. We advertisers understand (+ have to accept) it conceptually. Pointing to [HERE] for customers would help.

Q3.3. Can you point to more info on "our standards on data privacy"? From the support doc: "Some search terms that don’t have enough query activity are omitted from the search terms report in order to keep with our standards on data privacy."

Q3.4 Once Google auto pulls SKU data into GMC Next, are we still able to modify/change data via supplemental feeds, rules and other tools?

Q3.5 If my competitors and I are all using generative AI to create our creatives, how does Google ensure we won’t get similar copies?

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