#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon

Q1 Were you impacted by the Facebook platform meltdown over the weekend? If so, how did you respond?

Q2 We talked about this somewhat recently, but what, if anything, do you have in place to alert you of major issues in your accounts?

Q3 When you become aware of a major platform issue or malfunction, what are the first steps you take?

Q4 In the event of a platform issue, how proactive are you in communicating with your clients or stakeholders? At what point(s) in the process do you communicate with them?

Q5 In a case like the Facebook issue over the weekend, how do you handle unexpected and/or significant overspend in your accounts?

Q6 Have you successfully gotten a refund or credit for any of your accounts when there has been a major platform issue? Was the refund sufficient in your opinion? How were you able to achieve that?

Thank you for listening!

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