#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon) and co host Sonika Chandra (@sonika_chandra) from Seer Interactive (@SeerInteractive)
Q1 What’s your go-to process for analyzing query data? For example, I combine x data sources and [fill in the blank]...
Q2 What are your primary success metrics for your queries? CVR (conversion rate)? CTR (click through rate)?
Q3 At Seer, we don’t live in silos, are you leveraging other platforms' search term reports? Organic data? If so, how?
Q4 What tools and automations are you leveraging to analyze large datasets at scale? On average, how long does each analysis take?
Q5 When analyzing your query data, what insights and opportunities do you typically find?
Q6 It’s been 6+ months since the Google Ads search term report update, are your accounts continuing to be impacted?
What creative strategies/tactics have you leveraged to circumvent the query data loss?
Q7 Do you have any questions for @sonika_chandra and @SeerInteractive about query data?