2:43 - Background of Vinnie
4:40 - Career History
7:33 - Studio Recordings and related events
8:49 - Entry in MTV
9:01 - Manifesting destiny
10:04 - First Assignment/First Casting show
11:52 - Moment of calling
13:45 - Being unapologetic / Manage Emotions
15:54 - Creative Mindset - 'The Housewives' thought process
19:10 - Responsible for having a conversation (before casting)
20:45 - Reality vs Narrative
24:03 - Instant celebs in the limelight
26:13 - Home Model culture
27:44 - Fire for casting
28:22 - Vinnie's Podcast
30:32 - Lessons learned
32:40 - The greatest piece of advice
34:20 - Vinnie's Super Power
35:36 - Vinnie's North Star