My guest today, Shay Rowbottom #shayshine is the Queen of LinkedIN content. With over 80K followers and tens of millions of views on her content, she has created one of the most engaging and entertaining brands on the platform. Not only is she a fantastic video creator, but now she is teaching founders and executives the same so they can speak directly to this incredible audience of potential customers and advocates.

If you have never heard of Shay and you are active on LinkedIN, SHE is probably doing something wrong! Just kidding. I will be honest, when I first started to notice Shay’s presence, I had mixed feelings and preconceived notions. I was a bit envious of her killer content and engagement. So I did what I do best and decided to take my online offline and I reached out and connected with Shay in June and we had an incredible first conversation. We spoke a lot about who we truly are as humans, what our goals are and we found the common thread of tenacity. I am beyond thrilled to have her on the show!