Super pumped to introduce my guest today Jason Wang. I first met Jason about a year ago through my work with Defy Ventures. And for those who do not know, Defy is an in-prison program where incarcerated men and women take part in a University-accredited program on well-being, entrepreneurship training, personal development, mentoring, business incubation, financing opportunities, and network development. We will get more to that story in a bit.

Jason is a born entrepreneur. At the age of 8, he would buy a box of 300 fortune cookies from his dad’s restaurant for $7 and sell them at school for .25 cents each. He quickly became the “Fortune Cookie King” to his fellow classmates.

At the age of 13, he started another business that generated over $100k in revenue with 95% profit margins. Unfortunately, this business was illegal. Oh, and his teammates were his fellow gang members.

Jason was finally caught at the age of 15 for a first degree felony and was sent to prison on a 12 year sentence. Since his release, he has earned a double masters (MBA, MS International Business), worked as a management consultant, and started several other ventures.

Today, Jason is the Founder and CEO of FreeWorld. And he is here today to share his incredible story of perseverance and personal growth.