3:01 - Scariest part of joining Army
3:43 - Big Takeaway from Army
5:09 - Career Story - Army to Civilian Life
8:33 - Getting into Recruitment
9:59 - Better way to source candidates/ increase traffic
11:38 - Views on Linkedin/Indeed/Monster.com
13:13 - Differentiation
15:31 - Other sources/contact methods
16:32 - Limitation to Data
17:48 - Biggest Challenge
20:20 - Challenges in the market
21:46 - Diversity in Recruitment
22:37 - Qualities in a Good Entrepreneur
24:43 - Creating and Playing Music/First Instrument
25:55 - Musicians that have inspired Gal
26:25 - What is Authenticity?
27:08 - Greatest Piece of Advice
29:09 - Gal's North Star