Download the MP3 Podcast In this episode we look at how you can carve up strings that make up strings of text that make up paths with Split-Path: By default – returns parent path Split-Path c:\users\tome c:\user Leaf – returns the end of the path (file or directory name) Split-Path c:\users\tome -Leaf tome NoQualifier – removes […]

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In this episode we look at how you can carve up strings that make up strings of text that make up paths with Split-Path:

By default – returns parent path

Split-Path c:\users\tome

Leaf – returns the end of the path (file or directory name)

Split-Path c:\users\tome -Leaf

NoQualifier – removes the drive letter from the path

Split-path hklm:\software\microsoft -NoQualifier

Qualifier – returns just the drive letter

Split-path c:\users\tome

IsAbsolute – returns true if it is an absolute path, not a relative path.

Resolve – evaluates the string path to a real path

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