Our world is more full of distractions than it has ever been. We’re stuck in our screens, constantly being offered the next little hit of dopamine to keep us scrolling, swiping, or buying. In this week’s solo show, Dr. Jay breaks down the pervasiveness of distractions in our culture today, some facts around just how addicted we all might be to our screens, and most importantly, ten actionable steps you can take right now to start to pull yourself out of the quagmire and back to a more focused and balanced life.

Have feedback for the show? Interested in working with Dr. Jay? Reach out at [email protected] 


Opening (00:22) Success Snack (02:55) How We Distract Ourselves (06:29) Addicted to Screens (13:22) 10 Tips to Breaking Addiction (18:45) Recap & Wrap Up (23:58)

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