Podcasting's job is not to make you money or get you clients.  You might be thinking ... "Since I did not make money yet what's the point of recording if it seems like no one is listening?" Sure, it’s fun but let's get real ... it's not making me money. Why bother?" There's the obstacle thought - Why bother? Which becomes ... "I won't bother."

When you say "I want ... I want ... I want," the universe hears this: "I don't have ... I don't have," so what that means is, you get more not having. 

This is the kiss of death. 

This is why the statistics for new podcasts show that most give up within the first few months.

You can be that uncommon one by changing what you think podcasting success actually means.

The actual point of podcasting - fun, experimenting, taking creative risks, and building a body of work.

If your idea about podcasting is: "this is a marketing tool," you are missing the point entirely. It's like wanting the chicken before the egg.

A podcast has the potential to become your ULTIMATE marketing tool, as it has for me ... but only because you create it with fun, passion, excitement and the willingness to always try new things. 

The first step  ... do you like podcasting? Have you tried to act "as if" and record something?

Does running to the microphone excite the hell out of you, like it's Christmas morning? That's the vibe I'm talking about here.

You have to believe that every time you are speaking into your microphone it's like sending magical radio waves out to the universe.

Your only job is to get behind the mic, and keep having fun, because NOTHING is linear.

One post ... one episode, does not entitle you to the reward of a consult or a new client.

It's about sowing the seeds, and believing exactly what you need will bounce back, then kiss it and let it go.

Are you ready to take your podcast to the next level? There’s nothing better than community to help with that—so if you’re looking for support to keep the FUN in podcasting, then joining my free community is a must. Click here to request access, and reminders about my valuable weekly free trainings.

Sign up for your weekly dose of podcasting wisdom at  karagottwarner.com and learn how to move mountains with your mic and turn listeners in to clients. 

Ready to take your podcast launch to the next level? karagottwarner.com/start  Let’s be friends on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KaraGottWarner Visit my website at karagottwarner.com