With the new year fast-approaching, we're thinking about resets, resolutions, digital detoxes, and finally making this the year the best one ever, but what about taking time away? REAL time to do nothing  and to do it with total intention. 

Taking a break can be one of the hardest things we can do, especially with our podcast, because we think we always have to be ON ... but one missed week is nothing 'cause you're here to build a legacy, right? 

In order to bring in more we need to make space ... empty the plate. 

Doing this takes courage, and willingness, but it can be the best gift you could give yourself this holiday season ... the gift that keeps giving, adding color and contrast to your life. 

AND ... when you do this you build self-trust. You know nothing falls apart. 

You'll take a reset, and you'll be excited to come back with fresh eyes and excitement to press record. This is the solution to sustainability if you want success with your podcast, your business, and your full humanity.

Why do you need to be on all the time ... or appear that way in your online biz? What purpose does this serve?  Will you will lose something if you do?

Taking time off is actually where service starts. How can you serve others if you are not taking time to reflect, to see how things went this past year, these past few months? 

Sometimes weeding a garden or cleaning a cupboard is the work we must do.

How can we welcome in more if the garden is overgrown and the cupboards look like a scene out of Hoarders? (Hey … speaking from my own experience!)

Remember what Mr. Miagi said to Daniel in The Karate Kid when he was anxious to learn a new move?  Mr M.  said,  “Wax on wax off.”

The wisest teachers don't say much, and they repeat the simplest thing again and again so hopefully it finally hits our heart and we experience what we need. 

Give yourself grace ... love and time off if you need it and put the "shoulds" on a shelf.

By the way … I have a special community for you. It's totally free, and and it's about ALL things podcasting. I go even deeper on what is shared here on the podcast, and you also get to watch live video trainings with me! Coming soon I'll be hosting a free podcasting masterclass inside the group to help you start your podcast in just 3 simple steps. 

Request access to the Community and get access to my weekly live trainings here: karagottwarner.com/jumpstart


I take ONE new podcast launch client per month because this how I keep the highest quality in my work, the white glove treatment for YOU.

Invest in the podcast you want to give to the world.

So here’s what you need to do if you want to lock in your spot with me:

Visit karagottwarner.com/services and click on the Ready, Set, Launch program and I will immediately be in touch to set up your onboarding session. If you have questions about the program, feel free to email me at [email protected]