This month is about running a little experiment ... I’m letting go of the social media things to trust and align with all that I am doing with the podcast. Right here, behind the mic is the “all inclusive" vehicle to attract all the abundance I need.

The other reason for my experiment ... Belief that I can rewrite and recreate what I want the way I want it. NO social media not required.

There are no rules, there's not permission slips. What people say is what people say. Just because “the guru” found some sort of success monetarily or with download numbers, does not define your personal success. 

I know this to be true when I launched my first podcast, Power Purls. I did it without touching a spec of social media and ...  it was a wild success. 

It was all about connecting with a network of people who were my biggest cheerleaders,  focusing on the concept of “a rising tide lifts all boats,” to create community and real connection. 

When it comes to starting a podcast, we may think: “I need the right name, the right niche, the right messaging ...”

At the end of the day, what matters is your passion and your voice and your motivation to be a force in the world for the people who need you. 

When you see this as a responsibility and something outside yourself, the “right” niche, the messaging, and podcast name emerge effortlessly.

So I invite you to experiment ...

Stand on that edge and see what's there. Let go of what no longer serves you. Let go and see how it puts you back in the driver’s seat of your emotions. 

Then ... YOU get to decide how you want to show up.

I BELIEVE that a podcast has the power to be your number one vehicle for creating change in the world, AND just one person at a time who needs your help.

With this mindset, you have the potential to have a love affair with the art and craft of the spoken word — because you’ll know that every time you show up behind the microphone, you’re giving a gift to someone seeking a solution to transform their life. 


I take ONE new podcast launch client per month because this how I keep the highest quality in my work, the white glove treatment for YOU.

Invest in the podcast you want to give to the world.

So here’s what you need to do if you want to lock in your spot with me:

Visit and click on the Ready, Set, Launch program and I will immediately be in touch to set up your onboarding session. If you have questions about the program, feel free to email me at [email protected]