Power of Your Mind Podcast Interview with Jamie Lerner - Reframing to Feel Better Now - Jamie Lerner

In Episode #41, I am talking with Jamie Lerner.

Jamie was born with a knowing; a true sense of who she came forth to become. Fortunately she grew up in a family where there was tremendous encouragement to explore every curiosity and embark on each incredible journey of self-discovery. She threw herself into the mix of life with a sense of wild abandonment. There was so much to experience and she was bound and determined to explore it all. She was ahead of her time, always choosing the road less traveled as she allowed her inner being to guide her every step of the way. The contrast that she has experienced throughout her lifetime has been stunning. Each and every wonderful moment has brought her closer to the clarity of the life that she has so joyfully created and lives out each and every day.

Jamie is on what she often calls her "third life." She has co-created a beautiful family with her successful and dynamic husband. She received her MSW from Loyola University, and developed a wonderful thriving private psychotherapy practice. She has traveled the world exploring all types of spiritual healing modalities. She is a passionate amateur equestrian rider on the AA horse show circuit. She has an insatiable appetite for pleasure, beauty and joy, and often refers to herself as a true pleasure junkie.

Jamie is now so appreciative to be able to offer this integrative approach to well-being, as well as a lovely new texting option called The Quickie, providing you with an easy way of checking back in with yourself at a moment’s notice, allowing you to re-frame your current thoughts and feelings, so that you may quickly be on your merry way.

We talked about:

How Jamie came to learn about how powerful reframing could be. Why she thinks that reframing can be so immediately effective. How you could get started with reframing if you are interested in feeling better now. An example of a particularly difficult situation that Jamie reframed that was a challenge to find an alternative viewpoint for. How you can see challenges and new opportunities to experience life that come from some of the most devastating situations. How reframing can help you to improve your relationships with others - and yourself.

Jamie Lerner’s websites:

Jamie-Lerner.com Jamie Lerner's Facebook Profile

Jamie Lerner’s book:


The Ever-loving Essence of You


For listeners of the Power of Your Mind podcast, Jamie will be offering a free 15 minute quickie session to promote her texting service, The Quickie, a lovely texting option. Be sure to visit jamie-lerner.com for details!