Power of Your Mind Podcast Episode with Grace Redman – Creating Your Fun and Fabulous Life 


In Episode #109, I am talking with Grace Redman 

Grace Redman is an Entrepreneur who has owned and managed one of the most successful staffing firms in the Bay Area the last 20 years. She is also a Co- Author of several books, and a Success and Transformation Coach. Grace works with woman to help them diminish their anxiety and negative mental chatter, build their confidence, achieve their goals, and increase their prosperity mindset. As a result they create the fabulous life they have been dreaming of and inspire other woman to do the same!  

 She has a long-held deep commitment to building her self-development knowledge, reading hundreds of books in the area, as well as receiving numerous certifications in life coaching, NLP and hypnosis. She first began these certifications with the goal of improving her coaching skills to better mentor her recruitment staff in her staffing firm. However, she soon realized she had a profound passion for helping people uncover their mental blocks, achieve their goals, and live more fulfilling lives. This propelled her to start her coaching practice.  

 On a personal level, she has faced many adversities and life challenges. These have helped her develop a keen sense of empathy and understand others’ pain. She is intuitive, and has an approachable personality, making it easy for clients to feel comfortable with their vulnerability. She believes in inspiring people to dig deep and push beyond mediocrity, and feels creativity is paramount to designing goals and plans tailored to each client. She is a visionary and has a wide range of methods in her toolkit to do this. 


Today, Grace is sharing with us some of her insights on Creating Your Fun and Fabulous Life 

We talked about: 

What the turning point for her was that inspired her to begin embracing the Law of Attraction.  The one way you that can get you back into alignment when you fall into the lower vibrations.  What the hardest concept of LOA for her to practice.  How her life has been different than she imagined. (The universe typically has a much better idea in mind for us than we do)  What makes her lose track of time.  


Her blog and videos can be found on her website www.daretoachieve.com 


To get her FREE Forgiveness Self Hypnosis Audio visit her Let's Connect Page on her website and send her an email. Be sure to let her know you want the audio and that you're a Power of Your Mind Podcast listener!


* * * * * 

Victoria Gallagher is a worldwide leader in Hypnotherapy, a #1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Life Success Coach, and Renowned Authority on the Law of Attraction. She has dedicated her life to empowering people all over the world to successfully live a life of liberty, aligned with their dreams through her effective meditative recordings and online courses. 

With the new HypnoCloud iOS app, you can achieve the wealth you desire, be healthy and fit, have the career you want, live the lifestyle of which you dream, and reach spiritual fulfillment. 

Download HypnoCloud from the App Store now: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hypnocloud-relax-and-let-go/id1450270910 

Get it on Google Play 

For our listeners who found us on Power of Your Mind Podcast, go to Hyptalk.com and sign up for your Free Self-Hypnosis Video Training Course. Also First Time Customers get 35% off Your First Order of Hypnosis Downloads when you use the code "PODCAST" in your shopping cart at: Hyptalk.com 

Learn more about Victoria Gallagher and her new book Practical Law of Attraction at: VictoriaMGallagher.com 

If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review! 


Power of Your Mind Podcast Episode with Grace Redman – Creating Your Fun and Fabulous Life 


In Episode #109, I am talking with Grace Redman 

Grace Redman is an Entrepreneur who has owned and managed one of the most successful staffing firms in the Bay Area the last 20 years. She is also a Co- Author of several books, and a Success and Transformation Coach. Grace works with woman to help them diminish their anxiety and negative mental chatter, build their confidence, achieve their goals, and increase their prosperity mindset. As a result they create the fabulous life they have been dreaming of and inspire other woman to do the same!  

 She has a long-held deep commitment to building her self-development knowledge, reading hundreds of books in the area, as well as receiving numerous certifications in life coaching, NLP and hypnosis. She first began these certifications with the goal of improving her coaching skills to better mentor her recruitment staff in her staffing firm. However, she soon realized she had a profound passion for helping people uncover their mental blocks, achieve their goals, and live more fulfilling lives. This propelled her to start her coaching practice.  

 On a personal level, she has faced many adversities and life challenges. These have helped her develop a keen sense of empathy and understand others’ pain. She is intuitive, and has an approachable personality, making it easy for clients to feel comfortable with their vulnerability. She believes in inspiring people to dig deep and push beyond mediocrity, and feels creativity is paramount to designing goals and plans tailored to each client. She is a visionary and has a wide range of methods in her toolkit to do this. 


Today, Grace is sharing with us some of her insights on Creating Your Fun and Fabulous Life 

We talked about: 

What the turning point for her was that inspired her to begin embracing the Law of Attraction.  The one way you that can get you back into alignment when you fall into the lower vibrations.  What the hardest concept of LOA for her to practice.  How her life has been different than she imagined. (The universe typically has a much better idea in mind for us than we do)  What makes her lose track of time.  


Her blog and videos can be found on her website www.daretoachieve.com 


To get her FREE Forgiveness Self Hypnosis Audio visit her Let's Connect Page on her website and send her an email. Be sure to let her know you want the audio and that you're a Power of Your Mind Podcast listener!


* * * * * 

Victoria Gallagher is a worldwide leader in Hypnotherapy, a #1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Life Success Coach, and Renowned Authority on the Law of Attraction. She has dedicated her life to empowering people all over the world to successfully live a life of liberty, aligned with their dreams through her effective meditative recordings and online courses. 

With the new HypnoCloud iOS app, you can achieve the wealth you desire, be healthy and fit, have the career you want, live the lifestyle of which you dream, and reach spiritual fulfillment. 

Download HypnoCloud from the App Store now: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hypnocloud-relax-and-let-go/id1450270910 

Get it on Google Play 

For our listeners who found us on Power of Your Mind Podcast, go to Hyptalk.com and sign up for your Free Self-Hypnosis Video Training Course. Also First Time Customers get 35% off Your First Order of Hypnosis Downloads when you use the code "PODCAST" in your shopping cart at: Hyptalk.com 

Learn more about Victoria Gallagher and her new book Practical Law of Attraction at: VictoriaMGallagher.com 

If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review! 
