“I see myself speaking in front of crowds and inspiring people to pursue their own dreams. So I decided to start with one, single thing. One event. Which is essentially a mini-version of the grand vision that I have. I know that if I don’t start with this one thing, then I will never know”. – Mimi Boyer

Watch this episode if you want to deepen your understanding around finding fulfillment in your life and work towards being happy, even on Mondays. 

Mimi Boyer is a side hustle coach, the founder of Happy on Mondays, a motivational speaker and a course creator. Mimi wants to help people realize that side hustles is one way to experiencing fulfilment and creating independence in your life. Before her journey creating this movement, Mimi was working in the corporate world.

Mimi started her corporate career working for a few giants in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, making her way up in sales. After spending years in this industry, drinking the “corporate kool-aid”, she felt that she lost track of her true essence. Mimi says that she “spent 6 years asleep in the corporate life, climbing the steps successfully without even once stopping to ask myself the question: WHY!?” After experiencing a breakdown and extreme burnout – this was her signal that maybe it was time. So she took the next 3 months to prepare her exit strategy.

Today, Mimi is a full-time entrepreneur, building the “Happy on Mondays” movement. She spends her days coaching clients, building programs and courses, speaking on stages, and inspiring other people to get their spark back on and actually achieve true fulfillment.

Thank you for watching this episode with Mimi Boyer! Check out the show notes here: www.naomihaile.com/

You can connect with Mimi Boyer and the Happy On Mondays movement here:

Website: https://happyonmondays.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mimiboyer/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mimi.boyer/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HappyonMondays/

You can connect with Naomi here: 

Website: www.naomihaile.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naomiahaile/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomihail/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/naomiathaile 

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