This is HCD is brought to you by Humana Design and The - Design Training and Education

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My guest on Power of Ten this episode is Joe Macleod.

Joe has decades of product development experience across digital, physical and service sectors. Previously Head of Design at the award-winning studio Ustwo. He then spent three years on the Closure Experiences project researching, writing and publishing the book "Ends: Why we overlook endings for humans, products, services and digital. And why we shouldn’t." He founded andEnd. A business helping companies end their customer relationships.

Show Links
Joe Macleod on Twitter
Joe's company
Joe's book, Ends: Why we overlook endings for humans, products, services and digital. And why we shouldn’t." 
Joe's presentation at UX Australia
Power of Ten on This is HCD where you will also find a transcript to this episode

We are hosting our first conference in Dublin - March 30, March 31 2020. Stay up to date by joining our newsletter

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Other podcasts on This is HCD Network
Power of Ten with Andy Polaine
EthnoPod with Jay Hasbrouck
Bringing Design Closer with Gerry Scullion
ProdPod with Adrienne Tan
Getting Started in Design with Gerry Scullion
Talking Shop with Andy Polaine and Gerry Scullion
Decoding Culture with Dr. John Curran

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This is HCD is brought to you by Humana Design and The - Design Training and Education

Have feedback on this episode? Click here to leave us a voice mail.

My guest on Power of Ten this episode is Joe Macleod.

Joe has decades of product development experience across digital, physical and service sectors. Previously Head of Design at the award-winning studio Ustwo. He then spent three years on the Closure Experiences project researching, writing and publishing the book "Ends: Why we overlook endings for humans, products, services and digital. And why we shouldn’t." He founded andEnd. A business helping companies end their customer relationships.

Show Links

Joe Macleod on Twitter
Joe's company
Joe's book, Ends: Why we overlook endings for humans, products, services and digital. And why we shouldn’t." 
Joe's presentation at UX Australia
Power of Ten on This is HCD where you will also find a transcript to this episode

We are hosting our first conference in Dublin - March 30, March 31 2020. Stay up to date by joining our newsletter

Connect with This is HCD

Follow This is HCD us on Twitter
Follow This is HCD on Instagram
Sign up for our newsletter (we have lots of design giveaways!)
Join the practitioner community on This is HCD Slack Channel
Read articles on our This is HCD Network on Medium

Other podcasts on This is HCD Network

Power of Ten with Andy Polaine
EthnoPod with Jay Hasbrouck
Bringing Design Closer with Gerry Scullion
ProdPod with Adrienne Tan
Getting Started in Design with Gerry Scullion
Talking Shop with Andy Polaine and Gerry Scullion
Decoding Culture with Dr. John Curran

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