I understand that when people say there's a discovery problem, what they're really saying is, I have a discovery problem, people aren't finding my podcast. And so it kind of makes me scratch my head when I hear that because if only there was like some sort of tool that would search the entire internet....

The post Mangools – SEO Tools To Help Your Podcast Get Found appeared first on Power of Podcasting.

I understand that when people say there's a discovery problem, what they're really saying is, I have a discovery problem, people aren't finding my podcast. And so it kind of makes me scratch my head when I hear that because if only there was like some sort of tool that would search the entire internet. Oh, that's right, you may have heard of one. It's called Google.

Today, we have a tool that makes it easier to be found in Google Now, right now, wherever you're at your current website has a ranking. And what you can do is go into this tool, it's called it's got a funny name, mangools

Mangools allows you to see where you're currently ranking. Then you can type in your topic and you can see keywords. The key of this is you can see what are the popular keywords, and then it'll say, oh, if you wrote about this particular topic, you would have a good chance of scoring at the top of search engines because of where you currently rank.

So there's a whole analysis tool, they analyze your website, there are tools in there to tracking your backlinks. If you ever have somebody ask you, Hey, can I do some sort of guest posting or they're really looking for is a backlink to their website?

They even have an extension for your browser. So you can go to different websites and kind of do a quick analysis of what that website is doing and how it's ranking and keywords and things like that. They have a 10-day free version, that if you want to kick the tires on this, which is enough time, it's a little over a week to basically see the tools that are available, and see where your website is currently ranking and then see what keywords that you could actually go after.

If you want to then from that point, start to use this on a regular basis. It's not super expensive for an SEO tool. It comes in at $29 a month if you do an annual plan. If you do it month to month, it is quite a bit more expensive. It is $49 a month. So you save 40% by doing an annual plan, but it's a pretty handy tool.

I do like the extension where you can kind of go to different websites. Again, it's called man goals. And it's got a whole suite with one thing in mind and that's helping you rank higher in search engines. And when people talk about discovery problems, well, you can help get discovered by using band ghouls.


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The post Mangools – SEO Tools To Help Your Podcast Get Found appeared first on Power of Podcasting.