With this episode of the Power Line Show, I’m returning to what I call “Power Line Classic” format, featuring interviews and conversations with interests thinkers, writers, and doers. I took a hiatus from this format last year while I was working on my book, and using the Three Whisky Happy Hour format as a substitute because “Lucretia” does all the work (except for selecting my whisky), but don’t dismay—the 3WHH format will continue every week as before, so now you’ll get two Power Line shows to choose from every week.

To mark the end of hiatus I am delighted to have back on Robert Bryce, who is one of only a small handful of writers who understands the world of energy and can write about it lucidly. He recently produced a terrific study on the rural backlash against wind energy for the Center of the American Experiment entitled “Not In Our Back Yard: Rural America Is Fighting Back Against Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects.”

In this conversation we range widely from this study to the “tale of three pipelines” (Keystone, Colonial, and Nordstream 2), energy in the developing world, and the sorry spectacle of the Texas blackouts this winter.

With this episode of the Power Line Show, I’m returning to what I call “Power Line Classic” format, featuring interviews and conversations with interests thinkers, writers, and doers. I took a hiatus from this format last year while I was working on my book, and using the Three Whisky Happy Hour format as a substitute because “Lucretia” does all the work (except for selecting my whisky), but don’t dismay—the 3WHH format will continue every week as before, so now you’ll get two Power Line shows to choose from every week.

To mark the end of hiatus I am delighted to have back on Robert Bryce, who is one of only a small handful of writers who understands the world of energy and can write about it lucidly. He recently produced a terrific study on the rural backlash against wind energy for the Center of the American Experiment entitled “Not In Our Back Yard: Rural America Is Fighting Back Against Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects.”

In this conversation we range widely from this study to the “tale of three pipelines” (Keystone, Colonial, and Nordstream 2), energy in the developing world, and the sorry spectacle of the Texas blackouts this winter.

Join the conversation and comment on this podcast episode: https://ricochet.com/podcast/powerline/robert-bryce-on-pipelines-windmills-and-grids-oh-my/.

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