Freshly resupplied with a shipment of Laphraoig, Talisker, and “Murdered Out” dark roast from Black Rifle Coffee, Steve and “Lucretia” drink to the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, smack around Biden a little (but only a little because otherwise it would be elder abuse), and then resume our discussion from […]

Freshly resupplied with a shipment of Laphraoig, Talisker, and "Murdered Out" dark roast from Black Rifle Coffee, Steve and "Lucretia" drink to the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, smack around Biden a little (but only a little because otherwise it would be elder abuse), and then resume our discussion from two weeks about about liberal education and Leo Strauss's famous lecture entitled "What Is Liberal Education?"

Among other things, you'll learn the crucial difference between Socratic skepticism of the classics, and the radical modern skepticism of Descartes, Nietzsche, or Heidegger. And if that doesn't need a few shots of whisky to choke down, nothing will!

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