It is not news that the humanities and social sciences have been degraded by the sustained assault from the left for several decades now, but Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Center provides illuminating new details and perspectives in his recent report for the National Association of Scholars entitled The Lost History of […]

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Stanley Kurtz

It is not news that the humanities and social sciences have been degraded by the sustained assault from the left for several decades now, but Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Center provides illuminating new details and perspectives in his recent report for the National Association of Scholars entitled The Lost History of Western Civilization.

The broad outlines of this story are generally known, but Stanley explains how the campus left doesn't merely want to broaden the curriculum to take in true "multicultural" perspectives, but in fact is motivated by fundamental hostility to Western Civilization. This is why the left wants to suppress the old "great books," though I think what this really represents is actually a deep intellectual inferiority complex--the left knows its jargon-filled nostrums can't really hold up to Shakespeare, for example--combined with a will to power that is chiefly an expression of a desire for retribution for past injustices, real or imagined. This is no longer education. It is political activism cloaked in academic robes.

Stanley is toiling mightily in the trenches of state legislatures to get more elected officials involved in using their oversight powers to hold universities to account for their indulgence of the nihilist self-destruction of higher education.

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