Merryn tells Corin of her favourite story - The Mother of Blazing Stones - and they stumble upon a revelation.

Merryn tells Corin of her favourite story - The Mother of Blazing Stones - and they stumble upon a revelation.

“Merryn bid the stone circle a good day and set out for the granite-crowned hills which guarded the moors to the east. The sun was rising over the heads of the highest tors and from every direction they could hear all manner of drilling, pumping and roasting going on from her classmates and their Units. The scoreboard in the sky was exploding periodically, and now read, “Nessa: 1, Arluth: 3, Sally: 1, Zennor: 1, Sam: 1, Gwenno: 2, Alistair: 1, Merryn: 0.”