Whenever you think of great entrepreneurs and leaders, who do you think of? What type of personality do you feel best suits them? We like to use the DISC profile to assess our clients and their teams to find out how they tick and how they lead the business. In our experience there is no one profile that best suits an entrepreneur. Any one of the DISC profiles can be successful as an entrepreneur.

So why bother taking these types of assessments? No person or profile is perfect so it’s important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each type. Once you understand your strength, you want to double down on your efforts to operate in that. For your weakness, it’s not as important to strengthen the weakness as it is to surround yourself with people that are strong in areas that you’re not. 

Once you do that, you have a strong team that can do anything. Listen in as we talk about the different profiles and what you can do to become a better entrepreneur.  

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