It typically takes a significant (near) life tragedy to change someone’s perspective. Many of us entrepreneurs are wired to achieve while neglecting our most important relationships. Imagine being in a commercial jet that is about to go crashing into the Hudson River.

What would be going through your mind and how would your perspective on life change after surviving? Meet this week’s guest, Dave Sanderson, who was one of those passengers on U.S Flight 1549 that successfully landed on the Hudson River. The Miracle On The Hudson as they called it.

Dave was a busy executive consumed with his career with little time for his family before the incident. But after? How did you his persepective on life, family, and business change? This is a story that all busy entrepreneurs need to hear. 





Key Takeaways:

Dave was a busy executive with no time for family before the plane crash

Dad modeled work ethic. Man’s role was to feed the family, the wife takes care of the home. 

Dad was gone 3-4 days/week for work

“Brace for impact” were the words that changed Dave’s life

Staring death in the face

Dave’s mom’s famous quote. “If you sa you can’t, you must.”

Two things went through Dave’s mind as the plane crashed. 1) Need to spend more time with family 2) Be less judgemental towards people before you hear their story

Sometimes you need a push from good people to survive and thrive

From take off to landing in the Hudson took 5 minutes. There are a lot of business lessons came from it.


Dave Sanderson is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist, and survivor of the Miracle on the Hudson. For more than four decades, he has been a top producer for some of the largest sales teams in the world. More than 250000 people have enjoyed his business and personal leadership events' warmth, humor, and inspirational message. 

On January 15, 2009, Dave was one of the last passengers off the plane that crashed into the Hudson River, best known as The Miracle on the Hudson, considered the most successful ditching in aviation history. 

He is an author and contributing author of three internationally bestselling books including Moments Matter, Brace for Impact, 1 Habit for Success: SmartFem Summit Special Edition, and From Turmoil to Triumph. 

After thirty-seven years in sales and sales leadership with roles in companies such as ADP, Peoplesoft, KPMG, and Oracle, Dave founded his executive personal leadership firm Dave Sanderson Speaks International, on January 15, 2014. As a sought-after international speaker, he works with established and emerging leaders and entrepreneurs to help them find opportunities out of uncertainty, aligning with their passion and purpose by employing their leadership skills and igniting their performance by pivoting turmoil into opportunity and challenges into success. 

In addition to his 37 years in sales and sales leadership, he was the Director of Security for Tony Robbins for over ten years and was recently named one of the top 100 Leadership Speakers in 

Dave has spoken at countless fundraisers that have raised over $14M for the American Red Cross. 

Dave resides in Charlotte, NC, with his wife of 36 years, Terri and their four children, Chelsey, Colleen, Courtney and Chance. 


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