Are you a man? Are you a husband? Are you a father? Are you a business owner? Than this show is for you! Or any wife that wants to hear what guys talk about. Ha ha! But this isn’t going to be a mancave show. It’s going to be three guys sharing what it takes to be a superstar husband, dad, and entrepreneur.

As you know, trying to do it all can be difficult. It’s like spinning plates sometimes. But the concepts to doing it all successfully is surprisingly simple but difficult to execute. So if you want to know how to win at home and business at the same time, tune in to hear from our special guests Chris Niemeyer and Michael McGreevy as they share some raw insights into their lives and how they have built a great family and business. 

If you’re looking to be around a community of men, check out their new mastermind group The Forge Alliance.




What is one of the dumbest things you have done in your marriage?

Tell us a little about how you grew up. Work ethic, family commitment 

Were you always thinking family first as you built your businesses? If not, what changed?

A lot of entrepreneurs feel the tension between tending to the needs of the business and prioritizing marriage and family life. How have you been able to do both well?

Key Takeaways:

Men are built to “do” we need to “be”

Listening to our wives without trying to fix them will draw you closer to her

Build your business around your life not the other way around

Relationship with your wife and family are important but so is surrounding yourself around supportive men

Reach out when you’re hurting

Men will change the world by investing in 4 areas of their lives. Tell us more

Self | Marriage | Family | Business



Michael lives life to the fullest with his wife & kids above all other pursuits and maintains a flexible schedule to make that possible. It’s his mission to help men discover their greatness so they can lead their families well and make their mark on the world.

Michael is a professionally trained leadership coach with a decade of experience working with high capacity business owners and executives. He partners with high achievers to create powerful break-throughs in key areas of their lives and businesses so they can lead with unshakable confidence and clarity. His clients find clarity, confidence and awareness about who they truly are, what their strengths are and how to leverage them for exponential growth and impact.

Michael carefully curates a safe and confidential space for his clients as they together work through complex challenges in business and life. With a board to report to, executive personalities to navigate and employees to motivate; a trusted sounding board is often difficult to find. Michael is this trusted guide for leaders nationwide.

Michael is a man of faith, a devoted husband, a family man to the core and an entrepreneur. He lives in Clarence, New York with his wife and 3 kids.



If Chris Niemeyer isn’t traveling with his wife & 4 young kids or running his real estate investments, he’s committed to helping other entrepreneurs work ON their business instead of IN it.

A business coach and real estate investor, Chris is passionate about helping small business owners work smarter, not harder to discover more time and financial freedom. Living a life of adventure, spending more time with loved ones and operating in your sweet spot can be a reality as you go through his

FREEDOM Business System™.

Chris is also a passionate and avid investor. He coaches professionals how to maximize their profits and create new income streams for a more free and flexible lifestyle.

Outside of work, he and his wife are likely at the beach in Florida playing with their 4 young kids, coaching their soccer teams, traveling or enjoying family time.

Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance.

Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide.

Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call.