You hear us and others warning that if you prioritize succeeding in business over the relationship, it CAN harm your marriage. This week’s guest, Krystal Parker, shows it WILL destroy your marriage. She found out the hard way how focusing so hard on achieving professional success can lead to two divorces. You’d think she would learn the first time, right? Well, she did. What happened the second time you’ll have to listen.

Tune in as we hear an amazing story of how she broke through the glass ceiling in a male dominated industry, lost two marriages, focused her energy to her daughter while still succeeding in business, and getting a third crack at true love.

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Key Takeaways:

How did you end up in that industry? I wouldn’t think it would be a first choice for a woman and the degrees you held.

You’ve certainly achieved a lot in your professional career. Being one of a handful of women in leadership roles in the oil and gas industry. But it’s come at a personal cost, has it not?

What have you learned from that experience balancing competing priorities of marriage and business?

They say, all paths tend to converge in that bigger calling and purpose over time. What does that look like for you?

Worked at an auto parts store and ended up becoming an executive in an oil and gas company

So focused on climbing the corporate ladder that she had no time for her husband and daughter

The divorce forced her to focus on what matters most

She learned to allow her team to lead more. Which took the time and pressure off of her, allowed her to focus on her daughter, and the business grew as a result.

You get what you focus on and measure

If you’re not whole as a person, you attract like people

Jumped too quick into the next marriage

While she learned and focused on her family first, the second husband was busy focusing on his career. She got a taste of her own medicine.

Third marriage, they protect quality time in the mornings to make sure they connect despite busy and awkward schedules.

Say “no” to the good so you can say “yes” to the great

As a former executive for a Fortune 200 publicly traded oil and gas company, Krystal offers over 20+ years of experience successfully leading organizations while serving more than 2.1 million customers in the U.S. Advancing her education at Harvard Business School for Senior Executive Leaders, a Psychology major and Marketing Masters, she started her career stocking shelves. From temporary worker to executive in eleven years, she climbed the corporate ladder to become one of only a handful of women officers for an oil and gas giant. In her pursuit of excellence, she parted ways with ONEOK in order to help companies and leaders deliver the impact their intentions deserve.

Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance.

Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide.

Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call.