In this world of busyness it seems like time is our enemy more than our friend. But who’s fault is that? There are so many things coming at us in our business and personal lives that some of the more important aspects are being neglected.

At home, spouses feel ignored and kids feel neglected. In business, many of the high level projects that would grow our business are being put off time and time again. We can blame other people and circumstance all we want but for the most part, this neglect is based on the choices we make. 

Time is our enemy because we don’t control what we do and when we do it. It seems like we have no choice but if we were to step back and take an honest assessment, we would find that we have more control then we think. Check out this episode and let’s make time our friend. 

Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance.

Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide.

Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call.

Key Takeaways:

We’re in a constant state of busy

Because of that, we make excuses of why we don’t get to the important things like

Date nights

Making kids soccer game

Being with friends

R&D in the business

Applying for that grant


Checking in on key customers

Busy has become a badge of honor

It’s become our enemy that we don’t have enough of

We spend our time on???

Stuff we say yes to



People wanting you

Social media, emails, texts

Volunteer positions

Church stuff

We react to life which leaves us feeling out of control

Instead of taking control

Problem is, we can’t say no

How do we treat time as our friend?

Take control and set boundaries

Be intentional about setting the priorities as a priority

Put the important stuff first in your calendar - things you want to do

Create boundaries around the activities you’re willing to do