You may have been told to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your mind focuses on what you talk about so when you say, “don’t touch the fire,” you’re going touch the fire. As a golfer, if I tell myself, “don’t hit it in the lake, inevitably, I hit it in the lake.”

So, yes, mindset is a real thing and it will affect your marriage and business. We were just on a ski vacation in Park City, Utah and had an interesting mindset conversation on the ski slope. It wasn’t planned but we started out on a beautiful winter day, snow was perfect and the sun was out. We started out having fun on the slopes until Kay Lee slipped and fell. It wasn’t major. Just a minor slip. But she struggled to get up for some reason. 

She was so frustrated after she finally got up that she wanted to quit. On the first day! It wasn’t anything she hadn’t done before but for some reason, this fall got into her head. All the years of having fun skiing went out the window with this one fall. In this episode, we talk about some of the mindset lessons from that day and other sports that can help you focus on the right things in your marriage and business.