Unfortunately, we’ve seen many marriages end in divorce because one or both spouses couldn’t deal with some type of long term health issues, infertility, or miscarriage to name a few. You would think the spouse on the sideline would have great empathy for their partner who is going through any one of these traumatic experiences.

Just one issue like a miscarriage has ended many marriages. But this week’s guest Kevin and Steph Mason have dealt with an electrocution (really serious kind), twice being told they couldn’t have children, suffered a miscarriage, had brain surgery, and being diagnosed with cancer? 

Really??? How could one couple deal with all of this? Not only did they survive all of that but they have three beautiful children to boot (can you say miracle?). You know how they say, “don’t sweat the small stuff”? Well, this couple can say it and mean it. 

Join us for this fun and thought provoking episode. And get their book, “You Met Her Where?”