We did a thing! Our first book is released today on Amazon. What’s it about? Work-life balance and how to win in marriage and business at the same time. Is this even possible? It is. Not only are we doing it (not perfectly) but we know other married entrepreneurs’ who are as well. And do you know the common thread between all those that are able to win on both sides? Being intentional.

That’s right. You need to be intentional about trying to achieve what you want. It’s just like business. It doesn’t succeed simply by wishing it to. You need to plan and work at it. 

Which is part of the problem. As entrepreneurs, we can be so intentional about having the business succeed that our marriage and family take a back seat. That’s why there is a lack of work-life balance. 

If this resonates, then take a listen to this episode as we discuss this issue. Better yet, get your copy of our new book, Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance. Click the link to learn more. You can also download the first chapter for free. https://www.thetandembook.com/

Also, we’re giving away free copies of our book by answering a question we pose in this episode. So take a listen and email us with your response to our question to the following email address. [email protected]