When you have a business maintaining storm drain systems the natural progression is to make wine, right? That’s what this week’s guest Ric and Michelle Campos of Campos Family Vineyard in Contra Costa County did. While they had no previous experience in agriculture and wine making, Michelle did have owning a winery on her vision board. Because it seemed like a cool thing to have.

But even though it was a dream of hers, when the previous owner of the winery told Ric that God told him to sell the property to them, they said no way. They didn’t have the money or experience to run a winery. 

Long story short, not only did they buy the winery, it has become a pillar of the community, source of hope during COVID, raised significant money for great causes, started a school, and built a church. So now they run three businesses and still have time to balance each other, kids, and grandkids.