Most business owners I know start their business so they can have other people run the business while they take frequent vacations, go on missions trips, and be home with the family. But something interesting happens along the way. Instead of the owner running the business, the business runs them.  Ten years later, the owner is still heavily involved with the day to day with barely time to catch their breath. Meet Brett Snodgrass. Owner and managing broker of Simple Wholesaling. A real estate company he left his school teaching job for and built from the ground up. He built a great company with a great team but found himself involved with the day to day more than he liked. So he took a big risk and became intentional about moving from the dugout, managing the day to day of the business, to the owner’s box overseeing it. Within two years of his decision, he did it. 

Listen to this interview and find out how he did it and what that has freed him up to do in this next inning of his life.