In this episode, our team takes a pause from Christian Nationalism and checks in with three political candidates in the state of Arizona. Join Anna, Matthew, and Jelani in a quick exploration of the candidates who rose to prominence pushing lies and conspiracy theories. The team discusses 8kun, QaNon, whispers of Christian Nationalism, Constitutional Sheriffs, and more.

Power & Consequence Twitter: @consequencepod

Matthew the Talker Twitter: @stoptalkingmatt

1.    Ariz. gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake: We’re going to turn our state around - OANN

2.    "CodeMonkeyZ Ron Watkins BLASTING the CRIMINALS and RUNNING FOR CONGRESS!"

3.    Ron declares himself the "digital Rosa Parks" because he wants to get on the "Twitter bus," the "Google bus," the "Facebook Bus," and the "Chase Bank bus."

4.    3rd Pima County resident faces illegal voting charges - AP News

5.    O’Halleran alone in failing to stand up to Trump’s flagrant abuses of power

6.    AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake: "Deal With The Mandates And Then Decertify The Election." - Gateway Pundit

7.    States have mandated vaccinations since long before COVID-19 - Pew Research




11. Alleged supporters of right-wing Three Percenters group charged in new Jan. 6 Capitol riot conspiracy - WAPO

12. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) and Richard Mack: How Extremists Are Successfully Infiltrating Law Enforcement - ADL


In this episode, our team takes a pause from Christian Nationalism and checks in with three political candidates in the state of Arizona. Join Anna, Matthew, and Jelani in a quick exploration of the candidates who rose to prominence pushing lies and conspiracy theories. The team discusses 8kun, QaNon, whispers of Christian Nationalism, Constitutional Sheriffs, and more.

Power & Consequence Twitter: @consequencepod

Matthew the Talker Twitter: @stoptalkingmatt

1.    Ariz. gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake: We’re going to turn our state around - OANN

2.    "CodeMonkeyZ Ron Watkins BLASTING the CRIMINALS and RUNNING FOR CONGRESS!"

3.    Ron declares himself the "digital Rosa Parks" because he wants to get on the "Twitter bus," the "Google bus," the "Facebook Bus," and the "Chase Bank bus."

4.    3rd Pima County resident faces illegal voting charges - AP News

5.    O’Halleran alone in failing to stand up to Trump’s flagrant abuses of power

6.    AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake: "Deal With The Mandates And Then Decertify The Election." - Gateway Pundit

7.    States have mandated vaccinations since long before COVID-19 - Pew Research




11. Alleged supporters of right-wing Three Percenters group charged in new Jan. 6 Capitol riot conspiracy - WAPO

12. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) and Richard Mack: How Extremists Are Successfully Infiltrating Law Enforcement - ADL

13. ‘Constitutional’ ex-Sheriff Richard Mack: Florida school shooting survivors are using 'exact same kind of language' as Hitler

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