The Internet exploded after James Ellsworth captured the WOMEN'S Money In The Bank Briefcase and handed the win to Carmella. Fans were disgusted by a man securing the briefcase, other applauded WWE's evocative finish. Was it a great work or a tone deaf storyline gone astray. We discuss the nuance of being worked as a wrestling fan. 

Before that, we set off the podcast paying homage to the QB General Prodigy of Mobb Deep who passed away on Tuesday at the age of 42. Jeff talks the Dun Language and reminisces on great memories. 

The Team also discusses Roman Reigns vs BRAUN, Big Cass's Heel Turn, Okada-Omega II and preview the G1 Climax and ROH's Best in the World PPV.

At 57:00 We dive into some interesting comics news, including the John Wick prequel comic, Conan The Barbarian and Wonder Woman's team-up, and the Sony/MCU "situationship" with these various spin-offs.