Stress is NOT good for our health.

The date—750 B.C. The place—Jerusalem. The man—Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, a good king, the son of Asa. During his reign there was peace and prosperity because Jehoshaphat was a man of the Book. More than anything, he wanted to do what God said. God honored him for that commitment and made him great.

The events of his kingship are found in 2 Chronicles 17-21. But in chapter 20 we read of an event that proved to be most stressful indeed: a surprise attack from the southeast. Three nations suddenly moved against Judah—Moab, Ammon and the Meunites. Without warning, they crossed the Dead Sea. Even now they were only 40 miles away. The attack came from nations nursing ancient hostility, long memories of perceived slights, anger simmering over the years, jealousy now boiling over. The danger was very real.

But to make it more personal, Verse 2 adds a significant phrase: “A vast army is coming against you.” These forces weren’t just coming against Judah, not just against Jerusalem, but against the king himself, against Jehoshaphat.

What happens to YOU when the stress comes? Stress, we are told by healthcare professionals, can truly take our lives. They can shorten our lifespans.

Stress management is critical to our spiritual health. Especially at 77 years of age! So how does Jehoshaphat deal with this crisis?  Let’s turn to 2 Chronicles, chapter 20, starting in verse 3 and see.