I don’t know about you but there are some things I’d LIKE to change. There are sins, habits, hang-ups that exist that keep me from walking closer to Jesus. I KNOW I’m supposed to deal with these things - but I’ve tried…and I’ve failed…and sometimes I don’t WANT to change - though I know I’m supposed to… And the things I know I’m supposed to do, I DON’T do - and some of the things I’m NOT supposed to do, I end up doing.

Who’s gonna help me??

BTW, in case you think I shouldn’t be your pastor if I have these issues, this is EXACTLY what the Apostle Paul told the Romans about himself (show Romans 7:15-17)

You see - we ALL need help. And the vision of Jesus in bringing us life, abundant life, life to the full, more and better life than you ever dream of, was to not just save us from the PENALTY of sin, opening the way to eternal life with him in Heaven, but to save us from the POWER of sin as well.

Today we’re gonna park ourselves in 1 John 1. 

This letter served to encourage those who were already saved from the penalty of sin (that’s important to note: this was not an evangelistic letter, but a rallying letter for those in the Early Church that was connected to the ministry of the apostle.