Today I want to talk about words. Words are powerful ways to communicate ideas. And some words are beautiful. Majesty. Creation. Life. Forgiveness.

Home’s a good word . Some of you have confirmed that word for me in the last few weeks.

There are some beautiful words. There are also words that make us a little uncomfortable, aren’t there? Tests. Moist.

Submission. Obedience. LORDSHIP. Start using these terms with people and they tend to bristle… or not even truly understand what you’re talking about. Lordship? What’s that?

We don’t have Lords anymore. We have bosses – and that’s KINDA like a Lord. But there was a stronger bond connecting a vassal to a Lord in olden days, more so than an employee’s connection to a boss at work. You can quit your job, tell your boss to take a hike, if you don’t like what has been told you to do. And yes, you’ll have to find another job, sure… BUT you don’t HAVE to do what the boss said if you would rather walk away to perhaps be your OWN boss.

The Bible speaks of submission and obedience and Lordship. And because of our culture, those things aren’t popular words or ideas to many American believers. And yet they are characteristics of a lifestyle that biblical faith leads believers into.

This morning we are looking at the baby in the manger and his advent, his coming into this world, as the Lord of Lords - a title that we read of throughout scripture: