Diego Lizarazo, Samsung Developer Evangelist 
Season 1, Episode 11

In this episode, I interview Diego Lizarazo, Senior Developer Evangelist at Samsung. Diego is a self-proclaimed tech geek and he is all about coding apps. Both Diego and I work together as part of the Samsung Developer Program and I have invited Diego to be a future guest host on the podcast. Where my specialty is design, Diego’s specialty is coding, and his tech geek personality shines as we chat about his path to Samsung and how he is helping the developer community.

Topics Covered:
· Journey to Samsung
·  Developer Conferences
· COVID-19
· Future of Gaming
· Game Development
· Global Developers
· Spanish Webinars
· Learning to Code
· Hackathons
· Tizen Tidbits

Samsung Developers
Visit the Samsung Developers website at developer.samsung.com to learn more about developer opportunities and building a relationship with Samsung. Be sure to sign up for the Samsung Developer Newsletter to learn about the latest from Samsung Developers. 

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Helpful Links:
Galaxy Store
· Getting Started

· developer.tizen.org

Learning to Code
· Freecodecamp.org
· W3schools.com

Example Code
· Codepen.io

Game Development Tools
· phaser.io
· scirra.com
· unity.com

Game Assets
· opengameart.com

· sketchfab.com

Generate Colors Combinations
· coolors.co

Free Software
· gimp.org (Photoshop Alternative - Pixel Based)
· inkscape.org (Illustrator Alternative - Vector Based)

Diego Lizarazo, Senior Developer Evangelist, Samsung
Twitter - twitter.com/hielo777
Instagram - instagram.com/hielo777
LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/diego-lizarazo-24620613

Samsung Developers
Homepage - developer.samsung.com
Blog - developer.samsung.com/blog
News - developer.samsung.com/news
Facebook - facebook.com/samsungdev
Instagram - instagram.com/samsung_dev
Twitter - twitter.com/samsung_dev
YouTube - youtube.com/samsungdevelopers
LinkedIn - linkedin.com/company/samsungdevelopers

Tony Morelan, Senior Developer Evangelist, Samsung
Twitter - @axeirbuzz
Instagram - #axeirbuzz
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tony-morelan

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