Is there a positive purpose to poverty? Marty Martin shares his thoughts on the purpose of the poor, which he says is for “the elevation of all humanity.”


The story of Lazarus and the rich man, told by Jesus in Luke 16:19-31, illuminates the idea that the opportunity to respond to people in poverty is actually an invitation from God.


Marty also responds to these other common questions.


Can we use the story of Lazarus and the rich man to determine who is going to heaven?
Are rich people forbidden from going to heaven?
How are the poor elevated through their poverty?


Marty Martin serves with Food for the Hungry as Chief Operating Officer for the Global Service Center, Phoenix. Marty has over 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry, relief and development operations, and corporate management in Africa, Asia and North America. Trained as an Air Force pilot he also possesses a Masters degree from Covenant Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Humanities degree from Colorado Christian University. Marty has been with Food for the Hungry since 2005.


In the message, Marty challenges listeners to become involved with Food for the Hungry. Check out some of the opportunities for involvement: church partnerships, sponsoring a child, running with FH World Sports, Hunger Corps (long-term service), and careers.

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