Turns out consumption of a Hazy Mango IPA does odd things to the Pouring Old Men, because the old timers get a bit...shall we say...distracted on this episode. Maybe something in Mangoes doesn't mix well with their old timer medication.

Or maybe it is the return of Warren in non-virtual form that has the Old Timers a little bit rattled.

It should also be noted that despite the pending arrival of Valentines Day there is barely a mention of it, so it is probably a fair bet that none of the Pouring Old Wives were treated well on the day of love.

Between acting odd and ignoring Valentines they old fellas do size up three beers for Show n' Tell; the aforementioned Mango Hazy, a beer from Green Beacon with too much abbreviation going on and a double scoop of stout from 8 Wired.