EP 65: "Solana Camry" | SPY Green (for now) | Solana Phone? | $NFLX | Bible Review: DataDog | Twilio

Episode 65 Presented By StockTwits:  @AviNMash @AnthonyOhayon @JoeySolitro Are back 

Trending Tickers Of The Week:

@1:00 $SPY (Powell congress hearing generating some noise, recession woes still linger) End of quarter flows.
@4:30 $SOL.X (Solana phone?!)
@10:20 $REV (Rumors about Revlon acquisition post bankruptcy making this thing go crazy)
@11:30 $MO (FDA made ban on Juul products official - affect on Altria?)
@15:00 $NFLX (Netflix doing layoffs, are they now a value stock?)
@21:41 $SWBI (Gunmaker Smith and Wessen rose 14% after supreme court ruling)
@25:00 $CCL (Carnival Cruises Trading higher after positive earnings reaction)  
@28:31 $SHOP (Shopify split impact)
@35:15 Zen Desk acquisition / SPY Green (for now) overall. Is private market a play?

Bible Review: 

@40:35 DataDog $DDOG
@46:25 Twilio $TWLO

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