The Trio is back with a brand NEW episode of Tipsy Pottheads! This is where we read a few chapters of the books, and then discuss while drinking a Harry Potter themed drink! This episode was recorded the fall of 2019, and due to super busy lives, the pandemic, moving, living in a camper... we are finally releasing it! It is also our last "lost" pre-pandemic Tipsy episode. In this episode we are drinking a Moaning Myrtle. Andy has decided that Champagne and vodka are not a good mix for Sheila. Andy really enjoyed chapter 6. The trio discussed the Death Day scene and how they wished it was in the movie. Poltergeists are discussed and there is a difference of beliefs on them! Of course a cat makes the perfect entrance and makes poltergeist noises!


Listen to us on your favorite listening platform, and if we aren't there let us know! We will work on getting there. Email us and tell us what you think, a book suggestion, or what you would like more of! [email protected]

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