Potter Revisited Episode #33 Arachnophobia AKA Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 15 "Aragog"

We agree with Ron - we are not about the spiders in this chapter
Madame Pomfrey barres students out of the hospital wing as soon as Dumbledore is gone - she doesn't trust anyone
Malfoy is being the biggest shit in this chapter according to Tori
Does Snape actually enjoy his job? He's a teacher as a cover to spy for Dumbledore and becomes a headmaster to spy for Voldemort but really for Dumbledore
Malfoy keeps wondering what one of his peers will die - kind of a red flag
Ron leaps to Hermione's defence - wish we could have gotten more of Book!Ron in the films
Hermione's absence is very clear but Ron seems to be feeling it more than Harry in this chapter - he faces his biggest fear for her!
Ernie owns up to being wrong and apologizes - but Ron is still holding a grudge on Harry's behalf 
Ernie admits Harry never would have done anything to Hermione - then why did he suspect him before? 
Lockhart is happy that Hagrid has been arrested - but Dean jumps to his defence. Are the other Gryffindors also close with Hagrid? 
We wouldn't blame Harry for throwing a book at Lockhart
Shay finds it interesting that Lockhart can't see through Fudge only arresting Hagrid for good press, when he himself is almost a politician in the way he presents himself
Were Harry and Ron not checking in or feeding Fang? Poor dog!
They find the car - which has gone "wild" living in the forest - how did that happen?
Giant spiders kidnap Harry, Ron and Fang - the worst kind of immersion therapy for Ron
Tori fast-forwarded through this scene on VHS back in the day 
Shay in intrigued by Aragog saying Hagrid found him a "wife" - not a mate. Why was this done?
Hagrid was around 13 when he was giving the egg that was Aragog - was he out in Hogsmede at the pubs drinking with strangers back then? 
Aragog has some kind of attachment for Hagrid if not love - he is very offended of Hagrid being accused of opening the chamber of secrets
Harry stands up when Aragog declares them a meal - because he didn't want to die a coward. A true Gryffindor and a theme for Harry throughout the series
The car finds and saves them - how does it know? 
It would have been a different series if they left Fang to the spiders... 
Ron is definitely having a panic attack and we don't blame him
Harry pieces together the new information they gathered and comes to the conclusion that Moaning Myrtle is the girl who died 50 years ago - pretty amazing!

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