This is hands down one of the very best interviews on the Potkaars channel since I started it two years ago. Returning guest is geopolitical journalist and history teacher Hrvoje Moric. We talk the upcoming elections in the US and how it matters not who wins as the inevitable outcome is likely a further totalitarianist decline, which history teaches us typically leads to war. In the end it will be the military who decides the outcome. In the end, who will the men and woman holding the guns support?

This is now happening in our time and this time round it’s not just what history teaches us, we see it develop in real-time. I ask him where we could go, to be safe through it all, we both have small children. Hrvoje explains why he’s recently moved his family to Mexico choosing it over Kazakhstan where he lived the past years, and over the USA even though he holds a US nationality.

And what can we do? Find a quiet anonymous job and try wait it out or create these public outspoken podcasts that are bound to get us in trouble? Hrvoje quotes Thomas Jefferson, saying it will come to you regardless what you do, just like innocent people were also taken to the gulags in the Soviet era. You cannot hide, so maybe better try make an effort en go out with a blaze if it comes to that. He refers to the picture you see in the back: ‘Liberty begins with you’.

We recorded to seperate interviews, if you watch them back to back we recorded the Geopolitics one first:

for the Geopolitics and Empire podcast, where I talk about what is going on in the Netherlands and in the UK with the Julian Assange extradition trial

for Potkaars (this page) where we continue the conversation and take the geopolitical approach