I feel all life boats may be cancelled before finally our financial Titanic goes under. So yesterday evening I talked to best-selling author and long term Bitcoin educator Andreas M. Antonopoulos to ask his opinion on these matters. We talked strengths, weaknesses, threats and resilience.

Andreas explains how Bitcoin strengthens the environmentalist agenda and the global financial system, if we but let it.

However through John Bolton’s book we recently learned investment banker turned Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnunchin supposedly was told by Trump to fix Bitcoin. Andreas explains how Mnunchin is too busy for that, enriching himself and his friends with the stimulus money for the pandemic.

Antonopoulos then gives his take on the resilience of democratic principles in the EU. We talk about the demonstration in the Netherlands I’m helping to put together against Corona measures. It is to be held this coming Sunday. We strive to end the unconstitutional emergency measures taken here in the Corona crisis and want to stop our government from putting those illegal measures into law.

This morning however we learned the mayor of The Hague forbade the demonstration.

Andreas: ‘restrictions on the freedom of protest thing is a very big problem we see throughout the world’.


article/shownotes: https://potkaars.nl/blog/2020/6/19/andreas-m-antonopoulos-it-takes-a-crisis-to-test-fundamental-constitutional-principles-of-a-country