Hey Jake Paulers. Wanna hear us joyously talk about a movie we all loved, and a movie that causes the three PWN boys to devolve to petty name calling, shouting matches, staring competitions, and Middle Eastern imperialistic proxy wars? Me too, hopefully that's what happens in this episode of PostPWN! Now where did I leave my missiles?


0:00 - Intro

1:02 - Warner Brothers and death

7:16 - Children of Men discussion (Spoilers start 15:42)

44:45 - Orlando discussion (Spoilers start Time)

1:20:00 - Q&A Corner

1:30:00 - Recommendation and outro

Helpful Links:

The PostPWN subreddit ➤ https://bit.ly/2OeIreN - Leave questions at this week's question's thread and we will answer them in the next episode!!!!!

PWN on Youtube ➤ https://bit.ly/35tQVqT - Watch some stupid videos.

PWN on Instagram ➤ https://bit.ly/37Iyfqp - Pictures.

PWNipedia ➤ PostPWN #52 - Page for this episode has citations for news topics.

Children of Men on IMDb

Orlando on IMDb

Next episode's spotlight film: Uncharted: Live Action Fan Film (2018), Super Mario Bros. (1993)