In 1947, on the eve of Partition, a young man left Lahore and came to Shimla. What makes his journey unique, amongst the millions who must have undertaken this voyage is what he ended up doing in Shimla. What started out as a stationery shop went on to become a storied institution. This week, we travel to Shimla and learn about a rare bookshop which through a hand of chance, came in possession of a piece of history - A copy of the American Declaration of Independence. But that was not the only piece of history that the book store held - It also held a piece that went back to the very beginnings of an ancient religion.

Tune in, and discover the magic of a rare book store, and what lessons in travel it holds for as we step into 2022.

Till then Check out the other episodes of "India's Linguistic Heritage"

The Hidden Story of Sanskrit, and the North-South Divide :

Reclaiming India's Linguistic Heritage: 300 Ramayanas?:

Partitions Unknown: Hindi, Urdu and the Umbilical Cord:

The Hidden Injustice in India's Languages:

Breast Tax, Brahmins and the Bizzare origins of Modern Malayalam:

The Improbable Impact Of Nature On 2000 Languages:

You can check previous episodes of 'Podcasts from Nowhere' on IVM Podcasts website

You can reach out to our host Utsav on Instagram: @whywetravel42


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