In 1845, a young student at the University of Oxford wrote a poem that led him to win the Newdigate Prize. His poem was about a place he never visited. 130 years later, a nurse from New Zealand traveling through this very place, fell in love with a man, married, and started living with him - in a cave! 

This week, in the fifth episode of Beneath the Veneer, we travel to Petra in Jordan and experience the hymn of nature which has been playing since the advent of time. Tune in, and discover how the emotion of awe fundamentally changes us as human beings, and what we could learn from the Bedouins of Petra.

Check out the other episodes on Beneath the Veneer: Jordan

Red Sea, Tintin, and Sunken Tanks:-

Jordan, Civilization, and Buri Nazar! :-

Amman, Ashok Chakra and Swastik :-

You can check previous episodes of Dark Tourism on IVM Podcasts website:

You can reach out to our host Utsav on Instagram: @whywetravel42


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