At Granville Island Market on a breezy spring day, Dave talks about Czech/German/French writer Rainer Maria Rilke and reads from Letter # 10 from “Letters to a Young Poet,” plus offers discourse about the writing life, dealing with creative conditions and personal honesty – plus chats about the charming Vancouver False Creek waterfront. Gaze into...

At Granville Island Market on a breezy spring day, Dave talks about Czech/German/French writer Rainer Maria Rilke and reads from Letter # 10 from “Letters to a Young Poet,” plus offers discourse about the writing life, dealing with creative conditions and personal honesty – plus chats about the charming Vancouver False Creek waterfront.

Gaze into the distance for: Rilke’s Letters at a Breezy Island Market – Postcard #29 (.mp3, 7:30, 9MB)

Burrard Bridge o’er False Creek from Granville island Market


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