Busting out a bit of original (un)sung freeverse with guitar-toting pal Bread, a shaker egg, and a stack of freeverse – fortified with improvisational bits about the mortar holding the middle of bricks, leaping over hedges, waiting for airplanes and diesels downshifting and being … so tired but sometimes so inspired bewildered and in love...

Busting out a bit of original (un)sung freeverse with guitar-toting pal Bread, a shaker egg, and a stack of freeverse – fortified with improvisational bits about the mortar holding the middle of bricks, leaping over hedges, waiting for airplanes and diesels downshifting and being …

so tired but sometimes

so inspired

bewildered and in love with something

we’ve never met

and history yet unseen


Leap steady for: Improvising Over Hedges – Postcards #38 (128k mp3, 4:31, 7MB)

Leap over this shed!


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