Contemplating the edge of the (then known to Western folks) Earth with Henry the Navigator in this sixth instalment of the Woodshed Session featuring Bill Lenker’s guitar stylings / singing and me wondering why he went out into the unknown instead of turning right (or even  left). Sail into the unknown for: Henry Going to...

Contemplating the edge of the (then known to Western folks) Earth with Henry the Navigator in this sixth instalment of the Woodshed Session featuring Bill Lenker’s guitar stylings / singing and me wondering why he went out into the unknown instead of turning right (or even  left).

Sail into the unknown for: Henry Going to Galicia from the Woodshed – Postcard #26 (6:00, .mp3, 5MB)

Fishing boats in Portugal’s Algarve – specifically Salema – waiting for the daily toil


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